Address of the Chairman
of the Board of Directors

Dear partners!

We are pleased to present our Annual Report for the year 2020.

As you can see from the figures, our performance is very stable – given unprecedentedly difficult and dramatic market conditions this is a real accomplishment. The bank’s capital remains at a high level, ensuring compliance with mandatory standards by a wide margin. This enables us to constantly implement large and complex projects for the benefit of our clients.

Hurdles to business posed by coronavirus pandemic were the main challenge during the reporting 2020 year. The same challenge remains in the current, 2021 year. There are no standard solutions to these problems and we are working together with the clients for mutually beneficial tailor-made solutions.

I wish you and your family, friends and colleagues, above all, health and patience. Take care of yourselves!

Andrey Tarasov,
On behalf of the CentroCredit Bank shareholders
Address of the Chairman
of the Management Board

Dear clients and colleagues!

The year 2020 was not an easy one - both in terms of adequately assessing and accepting risks, and in terms of organizing the Bank’s operations internally. It was extremely important for us to keep the bar high in terms of quality of customer service. We had to avoid any technological failures, even though some of our employees worked (and continue to work) remotely.

I believe we coped with this task by quickly adjusting the corresponding operational processes. The financial results of the year confidently confirm our ability to work efficiently, even in a challenging environment.

Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones! Wishing you a positive attitude and a confident look into the future!

Larisa Zimina,
On behalf of management and team of CentroCredit Bank

CentroCredit Bank General Information

CentroCredit Joint Stock Commercial Bank (Joint Stock Company) was established in 1989 and has been successfully operating in the Russian banking sector for 32 years under General License # 121 for banking operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Our Values

The CentroCredit Bank functions and actively develops as a full-profile customer-oriented bank with a focus on investment. We strive to expand the range of services provided and establish the up-to-date infrastructure necessary for the success of the Bank’s business.

Continuous dialogue with our clients, attention to their needs, prompt decision making and transparency are our guiding principles. The Bank adheres to a conservative policy in asset allocation and maintains capital adequacy and liquidity ratios at levels significantly higher than the regulatory requirements.

The principles of the management system, which have been successfully implemented in recent years, remain unchanged. The main aim of the Bank’s management system is to achieve competitive advantages through the quality, prompt reaction, and efficient implementation of management decisions.

Our Strategy

Over the past years, CentroCredit Bank has remained faithful to its strategy:

  • high level of bank capitalization and emphasis on cost control;
  • portfolio of low-risk and liquid financial instruments;
  • conservative approach in the evaluation of credit risks and high level of reserves for possible losses;
  • risk control as a mandatory component of all business processes, analysis of macroeconomic factors, efficient corporate governance.

The Bank has an extensive network of correspondent relations with such international banks as: Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna, Austria; JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, New York, USA, etc.

The Bank has a representative office in London.

CentroCredit Bank is a member of the Association of Banks of Russia (The Association «RUSSIA»), the National Financial Association, JSC Saint-Petersburg Currency Exchange, a shareholder and member of the Stock, Foreign Currency and Derivatives Market Sections of the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Since 11 November 2004, CentroCredit Bank has been included in the Register of Banks Members of the Mandatory Deposit Insurance System under # 161.

According to the Interfax-CEA rating agency, at the beginning of the year 2021 the CentroCredit Bank ranked 32nd by the size of its equity capital and 63rd by the size of its assets.

As of 1 January 2021, the assets of CentroCredit Bank stood at RUB 107.3 billion and equity capital at RUB 34.6 billion. The Bank posted a profit of RUB 2.5 billion for 2020.

CentroCredit Bank prepares its financial statements in accordance with Russian and international standards. The audit of CentroCredit Bank for the year 2020 is conducted by Ernst &Young according to international standards and by the Russian standards by Collegium of Tax Consultants.

Organizational Structure
of CentroCredit Bank*

* as of 29 June 2021, in accordance with the motions of the Annual General Meeting of CentroCredit Bank shareholders for 2020.

The bank governing bodies
The Bank’s General Shareholder Meeting
The Board of Directors

Andrey I. Tarasov
Chairman of the Board of Directors
born 1959
Graduate of Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute in 1982. In 2006 graduated from the Russian Academy of the National Economy with an MBA and Doctorate in Economics. Married, has two children

Nikolay A. Anoshko
Member of the Board of Directors
born 1950
Graduate of Humboldt German University in 1977.

Jacques Der Megreditchian
Member of the Board of Directors
born 1959
Institut Europeen des Affaire (France, Paris), 1980-1985, Centre de formation a l’Analyse Financiere (France, Paris), 1985-1987.

Ilya Y. Korbashov
Member of the Board of Directors
born 1970
Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1993. Graduate of Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy in 1998. Married, has two children.

Artem A. Dilenyan
Member of the Board of Directors
born 1956
Graduate of Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute in 1979. In 1989 graduated from a special department for retraining in new promising areas of science, engineering and technology of Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute.

Auditing Committee of the Bank

Igor A. Avilkin
Natalia V. Belousova
Oksana S. Striganina

The Bank Management
Executive Chairman of the Management Board
(Individual executive body)

Larisa V. Zimina

Management Board
(Collegial executive body)

Larisa V. Zimina
Chairman of the Board

Kirill Ye. Shershun
First Deputy Chairman

Kirill V. Sukholet
First Deputy Chairman

Ilya Y. Korbashov
Deputy Chairman

Olga Y. Pavlova
Member of the board, Chief Accountant

Alexander N. Makarov
Member of the board, head of Treasury trading department

Andrej Ch. Muzyka
Member of the board, head of the Legal department

Alexander Y. Semenov
Member of the board, head of the Main financial department

Credit Committee at the Management Board

K. Sukholet – Chairman of the Committee
A. Aleksejev
I. Korbashov
A. Kudimov
A. Mandrykin
A. Muzyka
O. Pavlova
O. Shevchenko

The Committee on Asset and Liability Management at the Management Board

L. Zimina – Chairman of the Committee
A. Makarov
O. Pavlova
A. Semenov
O. Shevchenko

Committee on Information Technology (IT) at the Management Board

I. Avilkin – Chairman of the Committee
A. Semenov – Deputy Chairman of the Committee
N. Grechanik
A. Kubyshkin
A. Zagorodnij

Client Committee at the Management Board

K. Sukholet – Chairman of the Committee
S. Kazak
A. Mandrykin
A. Zagorodnij
M. Zakirov
I. Pligina

First Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board

Kirill Ye. Shershun
Kirill V. Sukholet

Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board

Ilya Y. Korbashov
Anna O. Kvitsinia
Marat K. Zakirov

Chief Accountant

Olga Y. Pavlova

Representative office of CentroCredit Bank in London, UK

Mr. Kirill Ye. Shershun
Head of the Representative Office

There were 463 employees at the end 2020.

Around 69% of employees have had a higher education, 25 employees have a second higher economic education and four employees have an academic degree in economics. Most Bank specialists have had an education in the fields of economics, finance or mathematics which is particularly useful to the Bank.

39% of employees have worked for the Bank for over 10 years,
35% have worked for the Banks for between five and ten years and the remaining
26% of employees have worked for the Bank for up to 5 years.

At present, Bank shareholders include six individuals and 32 organizations resident in Russia and one non-resident. Shares of main shareholders except “CENTRORIVER HOLDINGS LTD” do not exceed 14%.

Summary of Bank’s performance in 2020

The development of the Russian economy in 2020 took place under unique circumstances. The two-month global lockdown and the record drop in oil prices led to a noticeable deterioration of the economic conditions. Nevertheless, despite the economic downturn and increased instability in the financial markets caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, CentroCredit Bank is confidently generating profits, which testifies to the efficiency of the anti-crisis measures taken and the successful adaptation of the Bank’s strategy to the new circumstances.

Net profit dynamics, CentroCredit Bank (RAS), ₽ bn

RAS net profit for 2020 amounted to ₽2,528 bn. The figure allows us not only to maintain a stable capital level, but also to increase it. As of 01.01.2021, the CentroCredit Bank’s equity capital amounted to ₽34,653 mln.

Capital dynamics, CentroCredit Bank (RAS)

In 2020, the Bank maintained high capital adequacy both under IFRS and RAS.

The level of capital adequacy under IFRS:
2020 2019
CentroCredit Bank 22,4% 27,8%
Normative Value 8% 8%

In 2020, Standard & Poor’s revised its outlook on CentroCredit Bank’s ratings from «Stable» to «Negative» and affirmed the Bank’s long-term and short-term ratings at «B/B», while the national scale rating was set by the RAEX (Expert RA) rating agency at «ruBB+».

An important element of the CentroCredit Bank’s strategy is the maintenance of a high level of liquidity. The Bank’s H2 and H3 quick and current liquidity ratios are well above the normative values.

Quick liquidity and current liquidity ratios of the Bank (in accordance with RAS)

Normative value Actual value
As of the reporting date As of prior reporting date
Instant liquidity ratio (N2) 15,0% 104,09% 70,82%
Current liquidity ratio (N3) 50,0% 180,64% 99,16%

The loan portfolio in 2020 stood at ₽26,302 mln, compared to ₽26,969 mln last year, a 2.54% decrease. Historically, the Bank’s policy is characterized by a very selective approach to lending and an adequate approach to accepting credit risks. At the same time loan loss provisions account for about 68% of the total loan portfolio. Such a high ratio largely compensates for the risks associated with changes in the loan portfolio.

Loan portfolio dynamics, RUB bn

A major share in the loan portfolio falls to loans to legal entities – 85.72%, which amounts to 23 117 million rubles, loans to individuals – 14.28% of the loan portfolio.

The loan portfolio is well diversified by sectors of borrower activity.

Loan portfolio structure, 2020

The securities portfolio decreased by 4.26 % compared to the end of 2019 and amounted to RUB 78,158 mln. As of December 31, 2020, the share of securities in the bank’s assets was 75.92% (as of December 31, 2019 – 66.72%). In 2020, the portfolio had the following structure: the basis of the securities portfolio consisted of Federal bonds - 61%, corporate bonds – less than 1% of the total portfolio and 39% of the portfolio – stocks.

Structure of investments in securities as of 01.01.2021

During 2020 the volume of customer accounts remained practically unchanged compared to the end of 2019 and amounted to RUB 17,229 bn. At the same time, funds of retail depositors increased by 49.8%, from RUB 4,647 bn to RUB 9,257 bn, and funds of legal entities, on the contrary, decreased by 57.2%, from RUB 12,532 bn to RUB 7,972 bn.

Custome funds dynamics, CentroCredit Bank, RUB bn

Funds of Corporate customers
Funds of retail clients

As of December 31, 2020, the bank’s assets amounted to RUB 102,945 mln, a decrease of 2.26% compared to the data as of the end of 2019.

Assets dymanics, (RAS), RUB bn

Financial statements for 2020 (IAS)
Independent auditor’s report
Translation from the original Russian version

To the shareholders and the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank

Report on the audit of the financial statements


We have audited the financial statements of CentroCredit Bank (the “Bank”), which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2020, and the statement of profit or loss, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Bank as at 31 December 2020, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Bank in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including international independence standards) (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the Russian Federation, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Responsibility of management and the Board of Directors for the financial statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the Bank’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s responsibility for the audit of the financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISA will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISA, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
— Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
—  Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control.
—  Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of estimates made by management and related disclosures.
— Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Bank to cease to continue as a going concern.
— Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

Report in accordance with the requirements of Article 42 of Federal Law No. 395-1 of the Russian Federation Concerning Banks and Banking Activities dated 2 December 1990

Management of the Bank is responsible for compliance of the Bank with the prudential ratios established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the “Bank of Russia”) and for compliance of the internal control and risk management systems of the Bank with the requirements set forth by the Bank of Russia in relation of such systems.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 42 of Federal Law No. 395-1 of the Russian Federation Concerning Banks and Banking Activities dated 2 December 1990 (hereinafter, the “Federal Law”), during the audit of the Bank’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020, we determined:
1) Whether the Bank complied as at 1 January 2021 with the prudential ratios established by the Bank of Russia;
2) Whether the internal control and risk management systems of the Bank conformed to the requirements set forth by the Bank of Russia for such systems in respect of the following:
— Subordination of risk management function;
— Existence of methodologies approved by the Bank’s respective authorized bodies for detecting and managing risks that are significant to the Bank and for performing stress testing; existence of a reporting system at the Bank pertaining to its significant risks and capital;
— Consistency in applying and assessing the effectiveness of methodologies for managing risks that are significant to the Bank;
— Oversight performed by the Board of Directors and executive management bodies of the Bank in respect of the Bank’s compliance with risk limits and equity (capital) adequacy requirements set forth in the Bank’s internal documents, and effectiveness and consistency of the application of the Bank’s risk management procedures.

This work included procedures selected based on our judgment, such as inquiries, analysis, reading of documents, comparison of the requirements, procedures and methodologies approved by the Bank with the requirements set forth by the Bank of Russia, and the recalculation, comparison and reconciliation of numerical values and other information.

The findings from our work are provided below.

Compliance by the Bank with the prudential ratios established by the Bank of Russia

We found that the values of prudential ratios of the Bank as at 1 January 2021 were within the limits established by the Bank of Russia.

We did not perform any procedures in respect of the accounting data of the Bank, except for those procedures we considered necessary to express our opinion on the fair presentation of the Bank’s financial statements.

Compliance by the internal control and risk management systems of the Bank with the requirements set forth by the Bank of Russia in relation to these systems

— We found that, in accordance with the legal acts and recommendations issued by the Bank of Russia, as at 31 December 2020, the Bank’s internal audit function was subordinated and accountable to the Board of Directors, and the Bank’s risk management function was not subordinated or accountable to the departments that take the relevant risks.
— We found that the Bank’s internal documents effective as at 31 December 2020 that establish the methodologies for detecting and managing credit, market, operational, liquidity and concentration risks, as well as the credit risk of a counterparty, that are significant to the Bank, and stress testing have been approved by the Bank’s authorized bodies in accordance with the legal acts and recommendations issued by the Bank of Russia. We also found that, as at 31 December 2020, the Bank had a reporting system pertaining to credit, market, operational, liquidity and concentration risks, as well as the credit risk of a counterparty, that were significant to the Bank, and pertaining to its equity (capital).
— We found that the frequency and consistency of reports prepared by the Bank’s risk management and internal audit functions during the year ended 31 December 2020 with regard to the management of credit, market, operational, liquidity and concentration risks, as well as the credit risk of a counterparty, complied with the Bank’s internal documents and that those reports included observations made by the Bank’s risk management and internal audit functions in respect of the effectiveness of relevant risk management methodologies.
— We found that, as at 31 December 2020, the authority of the Board of Directors and executive management bodies of the Bank included control over compliance of the Bank with internally established risk limits and equity (capital) adequacy requirements. For the purpose of control over the efficiency and consistency of the risk management procedures applied by the Bank during the year ended 31 December 2020, the Bank’s Board of Directors and executive management bodies regularly reviewed the reports prepared by the Bank’s risk management and internal audit functions.

The procedures pertaining to the internal control and risk management systems were conducted by us solely for the purpose of determining the conformity of certain elements of the internal control and risk management systems of the Bank, as listed in the Federal Law and described above, with the requirements set forth by the Bank of Russia.

Ernst & Young LLC

16 April 2021

Details of the audited entity

Name: CentroCredit Bank
Record made in the State Register of Legal Entities on 16 September 2002, State Registration Number 1027739198387.
Address: Russia 119017, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 31/2, building 1.

Details of the auditor

Name: Ernst & Young LLC
Record made in the State Register of Legal Entities on 5 December 2002; State Registration Number 1027739707203.
Address: Russia 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya naberezhnaya, 77, building 1.
Ernst & Young LLC is a member of Self-regulated organization of auditors Association “Sodruzhestvo”. Ernst & Young LLC is included in the control copy of the register of auditors and audit organizations, main registration number 12006020327.

Financial statements for 2020 (IAS)

The full version of the Financial statements you can find
in the section About Us / Financial Statements


Head Office
Bldg. 1, 31/2 Pyatnitskaya St., Moscow, 119017
Tel. +7 (495) 956-86-26; (495) 959-02-85


CentroCredit Bank has the following additional offices:

Branch Office “Kutuzovskiy”
2-2 1812 Goda St., Moscow, 121170
Tel. +7 (495) 781-17-62 ext. 168

Branch Office “Centralniy”
10, Stary Tolmachevskiy Lane, Moscow, 115184
Tel. +7 (495) 780-35-40

Branch Office “Nahabino”
212 Leshkovo Village, Pavlo Sloboda rural set-nt, Istrinskiy District, The Moscow Region, 143581
Tel. +7 (495) 780-35-40 ext. 908

Outside Office Cash Counter №4
Bldg. 13, 6 Kotliakovskaya St., Moscow, 115201
Tel. +7 (495) 380-17-70

Outside Office Cash Counter №37
11, Novoryazanskoe Shosse, Lyubertsy,
The Moscow Region, 140011
Tel. +7 (495) 380-17-70

Outside Office Cash Counter №40
3-1, 8 km Outer side of MKAD, 109145
Tel. +7 (495) 380-17-70

Outside Office Cash Counter №41
Bldg. 5, 16-1, Nagatinskaya St., Moscow, 115487
Tel. +7 (495) 380-17-70

Outside Office Cash Counter №49
11/1, Novoryazanskoe Shosse, Lyubertsy,
Lyuberetsky City District,
The Moscow Region, 140000
Tel. +7 (495) 380-17-70

UK Representative Office
28, Redburn Street,
London SW3 4 BX, UK